Compilation of ways to make your Notion page more vibrant.

Compilation of ways to make your Notion page more vibrant.

Published at 01/05/2023 00:00 by Khương Lữ Minh.

4 min read

Combine both decorations

Formula: $$ \ colorbox {Color code} {\ color {Color code} {Word} } \ color {Color code} \ text {Word} $$


Machine style (Monospace) (textTT)

Formula: $$ \ color {Color code} \ texttt {Word} $$

Sans-serif style (textSF)

Công thức: $$ \ color {Mã màu} \ textsf {Chữ} $$

Serif font (roman) (textRM)

Formula: $$ \ color {Color code} \ textrm {Word} $$

Bold style (textBF)


Medium style (textMD)

Formula: $$ \ color {Color code} \ textmd {Word} $$

Up style (textUP)

Formula: $$ \ color {Color code} \ textup {Word} $$

Italic style (textIT)

Formula: $$ \ color {Color code} \ textit {Word} $$

Combine with text box style (textRM)

Formula: $$ \ colorbox {Color code} {\ color {Code code} \ font code (VD:texttt) {Word} $$


Formula: $$ \ color {Color code} \ Size \ text {Word} $$
Here is a list of font sizes. Some sizes may seem similar, but capitalizing the size names can make the text appear bigger (eg: the "Huge" size is bigger than the "huge" size), so please pay attention to capitalizing the size names as shown below


Change the color of each letter

$$ \
Size (can remove if not like) \ text { \ color {Color code} letter }
\ text { \ color
{Color code} letter }
\ text { \ color
{Color code} letter } $$
Shift + enter to break the line, simply copy the code and change the color code letters to match your own. To create spaces, add \ + space.
And create text in the middle of the page to use as a title: /block equation and then enter the desired text or any formatting code you wish to use.

To display a small square in front to the text

$$ \ colorbox
{Color code} \ size \ style {word} $$

Huge headline

$$ \ colorbox
{Color code} \ { size \ style {word} } $$

Huge headline (another version)

$$ \ colorbox
{Color code}
{ $ \ begin {
matrix} \ size \ style {word} \\\ end {matrix} $ } $$

Huge headline with line break within the color box

$$ \ colorbox
{Color code}
{ $ \ begin {
matrix} \ size \ style {word} \\
\ size \ style {word} \\
\ end {
matrix} $ } $$
Just need to copy and paste the bold line in order to add many new lines as possible

Huge headline with line break within the color box and multiple colors

$$ \ colorbox
{Color code}
{ $ \ begin {
matrix} \ size \ style { \ color {Color code} word} \\
\ size \ style { \ color {Color code} word} \\
\ end {
matrix} $ } $$
Just need to copy and paste the bold line in order to add many new lines
Tags: notion
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